
Negotiation tips for new graduates

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Negotiation tips for new graduates

By Paul Horwood

Before the Interview

Do your research

  1. What is important to you? (Salary, location, species treated, support, OOH rota, CPD, size of practice, hospital status etc. Write down your:
    1. MUST have’s
    2. Nice to have’s
    3. Red lines (will NOT accept…)
  2. What is important to the practice (think about what they are looking for)?
    1. Talk with previous employees, University Alumni, friends.
    2. Find out who’s interviewing me (what are their interests)
    3. Look at the Practice website, LinkedIn, and Facebook
  1. Know your worth, what do other equivalent jobs look like and what are they offering?

During the Interview

  1. Look round the practice. In current Covid 19 times ask for a virtual tour and perhaps a zoom chat or two with members of staff.
  2. Talk to as many people as possible, what’s the culture, could you fit in here? Can you speak to any recent graduates who have worked there or are now 2-3 years in that work there?
  3. Don’t accept anything straight away, unless you are very confident and experienced with negotiation. Give yourself 24 hours to consider in the cold light of day.

After the Interview

  1. Compare your research to the reality
  2. If the job is great but there is one or two things that you are unhappy with (salary, rota, hours etc), then go back and ask.
  3. If salary is still low, but you want the job, consider asking for a pay review (in writing) in 6 months


Accepting the role

Don’t wait more than 24 hours before getting back to the Practice, (either way)


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