Negotiation tips for new graduates
By Paul Horwood
Before the Interview
Do your research
- What is important to you? (Salary, location, species treated, support, OOH rota, CPD, size of practice, hospital status etc. Write down your:
- MUST have’s
- Nice to have’s
- Red lines (will NOT accept…)
- What is important to the practice (think about what they are looking for)?
- Talk with previous employees, University Alumni, friends.
- Find out who’s interviewing me (what are their interests)
- Look at the Practice website, LinkedIn, and Facebook
- Know your worth, what do other equivalent jobs look like and what are they offering?
During the Interview
- Look round the practice. In current Covid 19 times ask for a virtual tour and perhaps a zoom chat or two with members of staff.
- Talk to as many people as possible, what’s the culture, could you fit in here? Can you speak to any recent graduates who have worked there or are now 2-3 years in that work there?
- Don’t accept anything straight away, unless you are very confident and experienced with negotiation. Give yourself 24 hours to consider in the cold light of day.
After the Interview
- Compare your research to the reality
- If the job is great but there is one or two things that you are unhappy with (salary, rota, hours etc), then go back and ask.
- If salary is still low, but you want the job, consider asking for a pay review (in writing) in 6 months
Accepting the role
Don’t wait more than 24 hours before getting back to the Practice, (either way)